following its first webisode in 2011, people just Do nothing developed an practically cult-like following that eventually result in a hit TV show, a feature film and BAFTA success. Behind all the madness, we see Kurupt FM, a Brentford-bred gang of makeshift MCs and dodgy DJs, operating the finest pirate radio station in all the land.

Recently the heads behind Kurupt FM teamed up with eBay to set up shop and bring sneakers back to the people of Bethnal Green. Not realising the error of their ways, the group sold high-heat kicks such as the Air Max 1 DLX Atmos animal 2.0 and new balance x Salehe Bembury 2002R for just £15 each.

Following the event, we jumped on a zoom call with MC Grindah, DJ Beats, DJ Steves and group manager Chabuddy G to talk all things strange and fantastic about sneakers and learn just exactly what they’re getting up to with eBay.

Image through eBay
“Alright so Kurupt FM, you’re here, and you’ve teamed up with eBay. What’s the mission behind your partnership, and what are you trying to accomplish?”

DJ Steves: “Yeah definitely. Just…eBay and trainers… and sneakers.”

MC Grindah: “Yeah, do you imply today or just in general?”

“Yeah well, I heard you got up to some things today, so let’s talk about that.”

MC Grindah: “Obviously sneakers are one of those things that cost bare P a lot of the time, d’ya know what I mean? So we just thought we’d put up a little stall, and shot like the sickest trainers for 15 bar.”

DJ Steves: “We were blowing people’s minds. They were all going ‘you could get way much more for this’, and we were like nah nah, we don’t want it.”

Chabuddy G: “Because it was for charity. Hindsights a great thing, if we knew that then, we probably wouldn’t have sold them for 15 quid, but you know what? Que Será, Será.”

DJ Steves:”We were literally taking people’s shoes off best there and making people wear them.”

DJ Beats: “Do you know why it was good? because we were like them strange people who in high streets and try and stop you? We were like them but we had a stall instead of a clipboard.”

MC Grindah: “And people were concerning us instead of running away.”

Chabuddy G: “Everyone was even.”

MC Grindah:”You could say it was the first time in society where everyone was even?”

Chabuddy G: “For a moment in time, Bethnal green felt like Cuba.”

“That all sounds great. who was it you were raising money for?”

MC Grindah: “Oh yeah… British Red Cross. My immediate reaction was ‘no I’m not racist’, but it’s actually a charity for stuff.”

DJ Beats: “We gotta say about the raffle as well. Basically, through eBay we’re doing a raffle for two pairs of trainers, it’s a fiver to enter, and all the proceeds are going to go to the British Red Cross.”

Image through eBay
“Amazing, best of luck with that! Alright so let’s relocation on. As numerous of us have seen, you men spent some time in east Asia during the filming of Kurupt FM big In Japan. Is there any part of Japanese fashion would you be prepared to adopt into your own style?”

MC Grindah: “Oh definitely. Out there, dads just wear stone Island, and they’re not even racist football dads like in England. like he doesn’t even know what he’s doing and he’s rocking about in a Stoney and a pair of 95s.”

Chabuddy G: “I got into the kimonos, but you know how sumo wrestlers wear that thong? I’m trying to bring that London culture. man thongs. straight up the a**hole.”

DJ Beats: “I quite like the grown men with the braids.”

DJ Steves: “I like bubble tea.”

Chabuddy G: “I remember you had one bubble tea and you were sipping it for like two days. Your jaw was just going and going, and the straw was in absolute tatters by the end. That’s why he’s got such a strong jawline – because it’s always swinging.”

“Yep, makes complete sense. So I’ve seen you’re set to make appearances at both inside Out and Land beyond festivals this summer. What is your trainer of choice for when you’re performing? Are you searching for comfort above all else or are you just going for style?”

MC Grindah: “Both. I want to be conveniently stylish, and the shoe for me is going to be an Air Max 95. If we’re talking pure style you know I’m just going for a pair of TNs, but because the Air Max 95 has a good strong air bubble, it’s perfect.”

DJ Steves: “For me, it’s a it’s a Nike TN, with a plastic bag and rubber band to hold it on.”

Chabuddy G: “I like the heel boots you know but I also really like the women’s Uggs now, they’re way too small for me and I have arthritis in my foot and athlete’s foot, but there’s something about the pain I like.”

DJ Steves: “Do you remember at Glastonbury when you got the foot rub from the man with the glitter on his chest?”

Chabuddy G: “Yes you know, I’m very free… very fluid. very gender fluid?”

Grindah: “DJ Beats, what was yours?”

DJ Beats: “Oh erm, just a Reebok because they’re really comfy and really cheap and if you f*ck them up, it doesn’t really matter.”

MC Grindah: “I wouldn’t say cheap, I’d say affordable.”

So you’re all quite stylish lads, but what sneaker or clothing trend do you many regret participating in?

DJ Beats: “White denim. Yeah, I had a Spliffy, denim waistcoat that I’d wear with white Spliffy baggy jeans.”

MC Grindah: “Yeah mine would be something similar, my black Spliffy waistcoat with 8 pockets and white stitching paired with the massive unravelled woolly Spliffy hat.”

DJ Beats: “We wore them to a friend’s wedding and did that dance. but your stage age is 24 and I’m 36, and it’s strange two grown men wearing that, to be honest.”

MC Grindah: “Yeah it was when we were into east 17. Steves?”

DJ Steves: “I don’t remember anything. If you don’t remember, you can’t regret it.”

Chabuddy G: “Yeah I was always a bit much more of a bootcut jean man, but then all the aunties were saying ‘show off your figure more, show off your bum’, so I got into skinny jeans and that was not a good Popatrz.”

DJ Steves: “They were saying that yeah?”

Chabuddy G: “Yeah they were saying, ‘you’ve got beautiful hips, show off your bum, we want to see your bum bum’, so I started wearing tight skinny jeans and it cut off all the circulation and I nearly lost a piłka.”

Image through eBay
“Well, I mean, it happens to the best of us. So, you’ve won BAFTAs so obviously, you’re no strangers to the red carpet. Out of all the celebrities you’ve met, who do you think was the best dressed and who do you think was the worst?”

DJ Beats: “Jason Statham, he always looks very good.”

MC Grindah: “Chase and status he’s talking about. It’s his speech impediment. *Turning to DJ Beats* We haven’t corrected you before. It’s fine, nothing wrong with that. You were born how you were born. but whatever, one of them dresses good and one doesn’t, we’re not going to say who is who.”

Chabuddy G: “I think that lady Gaga dresses badly, because she wore that whole donner kebab suit didn’t she? Also, Mason Greenwood dresses bad.”

DJ Beats: “If they’ve been cancelled and can’t hurt me I agree.”

“Fair enough. next question is, If you had to describe Brentford as a shoe what do you think it would be?”

DJ Beats: “It’s a Reebok Workout, alright?”

MC Grindah: “You know what I’d say? A Base loafer, because Brentford is known as the strong heel of the south.”

DJ Steves: “Yeah I’d probably have to agree like grey Reebok Classic. Or a grey Base loafer if it was a smarter part like Ealing. It’s quite a confusing question, I get strange about metaphors sometimes. I do like metaphors, but I just don’t understand them.”

“Chabzy, I know you’re probably still missing Aldona. but say you have to go on a first date, what are you wearing and why?”

Chadbuddy G: “For a first date I think it’s essential to have easy access, so everything I wear will be welcro. Welcro jeans, welcro top, welcro boxers.”

DJ Steves: “Velcro?”

Chabuddy G: “Welcro. You never know where it could go, you know might get a bit steamy? any chance I get and I’ll rip it off like Superman, and that’s it, I’m bricked up.”

DJ Steves: “But didn’t you have that event in Japan where you got caught in the tube door?”

Chabuddy G: “But that’s why I don’t have my ponytail anymore, cause it got ripped off on the train.”

DJ Steves: “Yeah Japanese police can be quite aggressive really.”

Chabuddy G: “Tiny but aggressive.”

Image through eBay
“This next one is for Grindah. According to cash converters your gold signet ring might not have been real. I was just wondering your thoughts on fake clothing and shoes?”

MC Grindah: “Disgusting. I think if you’re going to wear something fake you need to respect yourself because otherwise, you end up looking like a madman. The ring wasn’t fake in the end either, it was the wrong shop.”

“So it’s fair to say you men love your clothes and trainers, tracksuits, TNs and 95s especially. If possible I’d like to get your opinion on some upcoming and recent trainer & clothing launches? first up we have the Kerwin Frost x adidas Forum HI Humanchives.”

Chabuddy G: “Has someone put a pair of b*llocks on the tongue?”

MC Grindah: “Yeah not my vibe at all, to be honest, they’re a bit weird. Also, I’d probably be a bit frightened if you slept with them in your bedroom and you woke up with them staring at you.”

DJ Steves: “Id wake up and think they were coming for me. I’d probably end up chatting to them if I went a little bit hard… I do like to have a little dabble on the evening.”

Chabuddy G: “You could market this to OAPs because of the dentures. Old people have a lot of money you know?”

“Okay, so that was our first one. For our second we have the Off White x Nike blazer low “Black”.

MC Grindah: “I see Beats wearing these.”

DJ Beats: “Really, why?”

MC Grindah: “Because of your foot problem.”

DJ Beats: “I told you, I had the foot operation, and now I don’t have to wear the safety and security guard boot with the funny sole.”

DJ Steves: “TheNie zjeżdżasz z stopy. To szalona ilość koronek ”.

Mc Grindah: „Tak, to dobra rzecz, koronki. Zła rzecz jest absolutnie wszystko inne”.

Obraz przez eBay
„To dość uczciwe. Następnie mamy Gucci x Adidas Gazelle.”

DJ Beats: „Czy to prawdziwe?!”

DJ Steves: „Lubię je. Wyglądają trochę jak stara sofa mojej Nan, ale w dobry sposób”.

Mc Grindah: „Uwielbiam ten projekt, po prostu nie podoba mi się ten kształt”.

Chabuddy G: „Myślę, że pięta jest dość długa? Pokey”.

„Następnie mamy Burberry X Supreme”.

Mc Grindah: „Tak! Masz to?”

„Tak, mam różowy pokład deskorolki”.

Mc Grindah: „Ty cholerny F*ck”.

DJ Beats: „Tak, nie powinieneś być w kolejce”.

Mc Grindah: „Moi przyjaciele dostali też talię deskorolki, tak naprawdę nie jestem w to, ale mówię ci co, jestem w ubraniu. To ja wszystko. Jestem nikim pieniędzmi. Steves, widziałem na tobie czapkę wiadra. Sezon festiwalowy. On dostaje oparzenia trzeciego stopnia, jeśli wejdzie na słońce. ”

DJ Steves: „Tak, muszę nosić element bloków dzieci 50”.

DJ Beats: „Prawie umarł, kiedy zabraliśmy go do sklepu opalającego”.

Mc Grindah: „Nie pytaj dlaczego”.

„W porządku. Następnie mamy koncepcję X Nike Air Max 1„ Olive ”.

DJ Beats: „Lubię je, są dobre w dziwny sposób”.

Mc Grindah: „Tak, widziałem wabik z tymi”.

DJ Beats: „Obraz z dobrą szczotkowaną czerwoną aksamitną koszulą. Na wakacjach, z dobrą parą dżinsowych szortów. Czy wiesz co? Uwielbiam krótkie dżins. Na nogach, to jest wygląd ”.

Chabuddy G: „Wszystkie przyciski cofnęły się”.

Mc Grindah: „Może bandana z czaszkami?”

DJ Steves: „Możesz być kimkolwiek chcesz na wakacjach”.

„I wreszcie mamy Yeezy Foam Runner Mist”.

DJ Steves: „Mam żywe retrospekcje budzenia się w czymś, co wygląda dokładnie tak, podobnie jak wersja sześciostopowa. Jestem w środku, siedzę i jestem pokryty tym ektoplazmatą, I to wszystko, co pamiętam. Czy możesz sobie wyobrazić? ”

Mc Grindah: „Właściwie nie mogłem sobie wyobrazić”.

DJ Steves: „To dlatego, że nie jesteś porywaczem”.

DJ Beats: „Czy pamiętasz tę komedię, którą oglądaliśmy o nazwie Dune? Wygląda jak coś, co nosi”.

Obraz przez eBay
Aby zwrócić się do społeczności sneakerów, Kurupt FM połączył siły z eBay, aby zjeść z pary Nike Off-White Dunk Low 50 z 50 lub Jordan 1 High Union. Aby mieć szansę wygrania jednej z tych par wysokościowych, wystarczy wysłać darowiznę na cele charytatywne na cele na dowolnej stronie. Wszystkie wpływy zostaną przeznaczone na brytyjski Czerwony Krzyż, aby poprzeć wysiłki humanitarne na Ukrainie. Loteria żyje do wtorku 22 marca o godz. 14.00, więc upewnij się, że wcześniej!